Difference or Disability

Words have an incredible impact on how we perceive and interact with the world. They shape our thoughts, influence our behaviors, and define our relationships. This is why I prefer using the term "different" instead of "disability” when speaking of intellectual differences.

The word "disability" often carries a negative connotation, suggesting a deficiency or a lack of something essential. In contrast, "different" acknowledges the unique skills, abilities, personalities, and intellectual capabilities each of us possesses. It fosters a mindset of inclusion, respect, and appreciation for the diverse ways people function.


We are all different. You may have a higher IQ, but there are likely things I can do better or faster. These differences make us unique, and they enrich our interactions and collaborations. We have different functioning levels, and that's perfectly okay. Recognizing and embracing these differences is crucial for building a more inclusive and understanding society.


My mom, even toward the end of her life, would call out the correct answers on Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune before the contestants. Her cognitive abilities remained sharp in some ways despite Alzheimer’s and physical decline, highlighting the complexity of human functioning.

This experience underscores the importance of recognizing and valuing the unique strengths and the abilities of each other.


Using the term "different" instead of "disability" shifts the focus from what people can't do to what they can do. It encourages us to see the potential and value in every person, fostering an environment where everyone's abilities are recognized and appreciated. This perspective helps break down barriers and challenges the stereotypes and prejudices that often accompany the term "disability."

In professional and social contexts, emphasizing differences rather than disabilities can lead to more inclusive practices and policies. Employers, educators, and community leaders can create environments that support and nurture diverse abilities, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to succeed and thrive. This approach benefits not only individuals but also organizations and communities, as it taps into a broader range of talents and perspectives.


Furthermore, adopting a language that highlights differences rather than disabilities can empower individuals. It can boost self-esteem and confidence by reinforcing the idea that being different is not only acceptable but valuable. This empowerment can lead to greater participation and engagement in various aspects of life, from education and employment to social and recreational activities.

It's important to recognize that everyone has their own functioning level. Some people may excel in areas where others struggle, and vice versa. This diversity of abilities is what makes our society rich and vibrant. By focusing on differences rather than disabilities, we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone.


This perspective aligns with the principles of Universal Design, which advocate for creating products, environments, and systems that are accessible and usable by all people, regardless of their abilities. Universal Design recognizes the diversity of human abilities and seeks to accommodate them, promoting inclusion and equity. By applying these principles in various aspects of life, from architecture and technology to education and employment, we can ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate fully and equally.

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